Jiaqi Ma | 马家祺
Assistant Professor
School of Information Sciences
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
jiaqima AT illinois DOT edu (Outlook)
jiaqima.mle AT gmail DOT com
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About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Prior to UIUC, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Harvard University. I received my Ph.D. from University of Michigan and a B.Eng. from Tsinghua University.
I’m interested in the broad area of trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI). Recently, my research focuses on data-centric problems, including data attribution, machine unlearning, training data curation, and copyright issues of generative AI.
For students who want to work with me, please see here for more details.
- Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2024 (with one spotlight at the D&B track)!
- I’m serving as an Area Chair for AISTATS 2025!
- Giving a talk about our work on data attribution at the Siebel School Colloquium at UIUC in Sep 2024!
- We are organizing the 2nd Workshop on Regulatable Machine Learning in conjunction with NeurIPS 2024!
- Our work on Computational Copyright received a best paper award from the DPFM Workshop at ICLR 2024!
- One paper accepted by AISTATS 2024!
- I’m serving as an Area Chair for ICML 2024!
Selected Papers
- Adversarial Attacks on Data Attribution.
Xinhe Wang, Pingbang Hu, Junwei Deng, Jiaqi Ma.
[ArXiv] - DCA-Bench: A Benchmark for Dataset Curation Agents.
Benhao Huang, Yingzhuo Yu, Jin Huang, Xingjian Zhang, Jiaqi Ma.
[ArXiv] - Efficient Ensembles Improve Training Data Attribution.
Junwei Deng*, Ting Wei Li*, Shichang Zhang, Jiaqi Ma.
[ArXiv] - Towards Reliable Empirical Machine Unlearning Evaluation: A Game-Theoretic View.
Yiwen Tu*, Pingbang Hu*, Jiaqi Ma.
[ArXiv] - Computational Copyright: Towards A Royalty Model for AI Music Generation Platforms.
Junwei Deng, Jiaqi Ma.
Conference Publications
- dattri: A Library for Efficient Data Attribution.
Junwei Deng*, Ting Wei Li*, Shiyuan Zhang, Shixuan Liu, Yijun Pan, Hao Huang, Xinhe Wang, Pingbang Hu, Xingjian Zhang, Jiaqi Ma.
NeurIPS 2024 (Datasets and Benchmark Track, Spotlight).
[GitHub] - Most Influential Subset Selection: Challenges, Promises, and Beyond.
Yuzheng Hu, Pingbang Hu, Han Zhao, Jiaqi Ma.
NeurIPS 2024.
[ArXiv] - Fair Machine Unlearning: Data Removal while Mitigating Disparities.
Alex Oesterling, Jiaqi Ma, Flavio P. Calmon, Himabindu Lakkaraju.
[ArXiv] - A Metadata-Driven Approach to Understand Graph Neural Networks.
Ting Wei Li, Qiaozhu Mei, Jiaqi Ma.
NeurIPS 2023.
[ArXiv] - Post Hoc Explanations of Language Models Can Improve Language Models.
Satyapriya Krishna, Jiaqi Ma, Dylan Slack, Asma Ghandeharioun, Sameer Singh, Himabindu Lakkaraju.
NeurIPS 2023.
[ArXiv] - Towards Bridging the Gaps Between the Right to Explanation and the Right to be Forgotten.
Satyapriya Krishna*, Jiaqi Ma*, Himabindu Lakkaraju.
ICML 2023.
[OpenReview] - How Much Space Has Been Explored? Measuring the Chemical Space Covered by Databases and Machine-Generated Molecules.
Yutong Xie, Ziqiao Xu, Jiaqi Ma, Qiaozhu Mei.
ICLR 2023.
[OpenReview] - Graph Learning Indexer: A Contributor-Friendly and Metadata-Rich Platform for Graph Learning Benchmarks.
Jiaqi Ma*, Xingjian Zhang*, Hezheng Fan, Jin Huang, Tianyue Li, Ting Wei Li, Yiwen Tu, Chenshu Zhu, Qiaozhu Mei.
LOG 2022 (Oral).
[OpenReview][Codebase][Documentation] - Fast Learning of MNL Model From General Partial Rankings with Application to Network Formation Modeling.
Jiaqi Ma*, Xingjian Zhang*, Qiaozhu Mei.
WSDM 2022.
[ArXiv][Code] - Adversarial Attack on Graph Neural Networks as An Influence Maximization Problem.
Jiaqi Ma*, Junwei Deng*, Qiaozhu Mei.
WSDM 2022.
[ArXiv][Code] - Subgroup Generalization and Fairness of Graph Neural Networks.
Jiaqi Ma*, Junwei Deng*, Qiaozhu Mei.
NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight, top 3%).
[ArXiv][Code] - Learning-to-Rank with Partitioned Preference: Fast Estimation for the Plackett-Luce Model.
Jiaqi Ma, Xinyang Yi, Weijing Tang, Zhe Zhao, Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi, Qiaozhu Mei.
[ArXiv][SlidesLive] - CopulaGNN: Towards Integrating Representational and Correlational Roles of Graphs in Graph Neural Networks.
Jiaqi Ma, Bo Chang, Xuefei Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei.
ICLR 2021.
[ArXiv][OpenReview][Code][SlidesLive] - Towards More Practical Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks.
Jiaqi Ma*, Shuangrui Ding*, Qiaozhu Mei.
NeurIPS 2020.
[ArXiv][Code][SlidesLive] - Off-policy Learning in Two-stage Recommender Systems.
Jiaqi Ma, Zhe Zhao, Xinyang Yi, Ji Yang, Minmin Chen, Jiaxi Tang, Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi.
TheWebConf (WWW) 2020 (with oral presentation).
[Proceedings][Code] - A Flexible Generative Framework for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning.
Jiaqi Ma*, Weijing Tang*, Ji Zhu, Qiaozhu Mei.
NeurIPS 2019.
[Proceedings][Code] - Modeling Task Relationships in Multi-task Learning with Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts.
Jiaqi Ma, Zhe Zhao, Xinyang Yi, Jilin Chen, Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi.
KDD 2018 (with oral presentation).
Journal Publications
- Can LLMs Effectively Leverage Graph Structural Information through Prompts, and Why?
Jin Huang, Xingjian Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei, Jiaqi Ma.
TMLR 2023.
[ArXiv] - Partition-Based Active Learning for Graph Neural Networks.
Jiaqi Ma*, Ziqiao Ma*, Joyce Chai, Qiaozhu Mei.
TMLR 2023.
[ArXiv] - SODEN: A Scalable Continuous-Time Survival Model through Ordinary Differential Equation Networks.
Weijing Tang*, Jiaqi Ma*, Qiaozhu Mei, Ji Zhu.
JMLR 2022.
(* Equal Contribution)
(Note: I publish under the name Jiaqi W. Ma, starting in Sep 2024.)
PhD Students
- Instructor, IS 527, Spring 2024, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Network Analysis. - Instructor, IS 327, Fall 2023, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Concepts of Machine Learning. - Co-Instructor, COMPSCI 282BR, Spring 2023, Harvard University.
Explainable AI: From Simple Rules to Complex Generative Models.
Pronunciation of my first name: Jia-Chi.